stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to create webpages that we visit regularly.
For example :
The site on which you are reading " What is HTML? " currently has been made from HTML.
HTML is used to write texts integrate images and videos and other types of multimedia files on webpages.
With HTML we can write texts , post images and videos to our webpage.
We will learn about this more in upcoming shots.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title> Document</title>
1.Title is used to give our webpage a name as shown in figure.
2.body tag is the area where we write our content for user. We embed texts , images, videos, etc for user to
interact with.
Tag is usually a keyword enclosed within <> these.
Tags hold a special meaning or defination in HTML. They are used with different purposes that we will
study in later section.
There are two types of Tags in HTML.
1.Semantic Tags
2.Non Semantic tags
Now, We are going to learn about this Heading Tags.
Heading Tags as the name suggests, It is used to give heading. Heading is usually bigger in size than normal
texts, bolder too.
The heading tags varies from h1 to h6 as per their size, h1 being most largest and h6 being most smallest in
Now, question arises How to use these Tags??
So , We use it as follows
<h1>Write your heading here......</h1>
<h2>Write your heading here......</h2>
<h3>Write your heading here......</h3>
<h4>Write your heading here......</h4>
<h5>Write your heading here......</h5>
<h6>Write your heading here......</h6>
The size decreases as in the given order.
paragraph tag ( <p> </p> ) is used to write a paragraph in our webpages.
Whenever you are about to write a paragraph you can use p tag hence giving your code a semantic meaning. Hence increasing the readability of your code.
<p> Your Texts Here Please </p>
You can see the difference between these, p tag leaves some top margin by default as shown.
In this section we will talk about text formatting in HTML.
Usually we will be formatting the text using CSS but still we learn some tags here. So lets get started with ......
1.Bold : To make a text of bolder format we can use b tag.
Syntax :
<b> Your Text </b>
A text without using b tag is shown and next to it is shown text with using b tag.
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